When Did you Start your Business?
Earls Court Gallery was started in 1973 as a print and framing gallery. It was the brainchild of myself and Doug Nixon and was born out of a request to make picture frames for a baby photographer friend of ours.
What Inspired you to start a Business?
I had an interest in art and woodworking from a very early age. I had a natural ability to draw that I never pursued beyond a personal interest. I had decided that I wanted to learn about art and sell it rather than create it.
Why did you start it in Hamilton?
Hess Village was in its infancy at that time and seemed to hold promise as a retail district and we decided to take it one step farther and open a store there.
What's in a name?
Probably the most asked question is “why the name”. There was a shoe store in the village at that time called Hampton Court so it seemed a good fit to use Earls Court since Doug and I had both stayed in that district of London England a few years prior.
Where do you think Hamilton Arts will be in a year?
Hamilton it seems is coming into its own as an arts community and justifiably so since, I believe it was always there in the background. The city is in a very good growth pattern and if the arts remain strong it will continue to be a positive thing.
What is your advice to the Entrepreneurs out there?
To anyone starting out as an entrepreneur today I say the same thing. Do your homework. Being in business for yourself is both rewarding and difficult. Not everyone is cut out for the hard times but getting through them is very rewarding.
Current services: Exhibition Programing- Contemporary & Historical Art, Art Consignment, Framing, and Appraisals