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July 25 - August 30, 2024*

*Closed Aug. 31, 2024


“Between the Veil” exhibition showcases two artistic explorations into those thoughts kept just beyond the veil of definite understanding of life events and wishing for a dreamy truth to be real. The latter, plays out in Cora Brittan’s illuminations where she believes that, “this place we humans and all living creatures inhabit is experienced differently by each one of us. However, there is something we all share, a universal consciousness, a sense of being. This is what I strive to paint about; a glimpse of wonder, a taste of joy, a feeling of tantalizing mystery. That something which is all embracing that will sustain us through this journey.”


Eric Brittan’s Tapestry Series derives after two events he experienced. Eric Brittan states: “Firstly, after looking at the tapestries in National Gallery in London, England, and secondly when a sparrow flew into my studio window. I was struck by its beauty. At the same moment I experienced the living consciousness all around and knew the bird was not really dead. It was just part of a great story.”


“Between the Veil” exhibition can be viewed in person at 215 Ottawa Street North, Hamilton, ON. Earls Court Gallery is open Tuesday – Friday 10 am to 5 pm and Saturday 10 am to 4 pm. The artworks will be featured in the main gallery.

Meet the Artists

Cora Brittan

I was born in Kirkland Lake, Ontario into a family of prospectors, farmers, and miners. Since I can remember, I have always loved drawing and painting. I studied calligraphy and art in England, but didn't really get started as a professional painter until after my four daughters were grown. My work is inspired by my love of travel, exploration, and the beautiful and mysterious world we live in. I am compelled to capture those fleeting moments of illumination, wonder, and interconnection. I divide my time between Hamilton, Ontario and a small village in Mexico where my husband and I share an art studio.

Eric Brittan

I was born in Hamilton, Ontario into a family of entrepreneurs. My parents ran various businesses, but my father was also an amateur artist who gave me my first lessons in drawing. I went to art school in England, and after returning to Canada, taught at Sheridan College for over 20 years. I enjoy making things. This includes paintings, sculptures, fixing cars, home building projects, and in general, working with my hands. For me, painting is an exploration of what lies behind the surface of things. I am fascinated with light, shadow, stillness, and the geometry of perspective. I divide my time between Hamilton and a small village in Mexico, where I share an art studio with my wife and fellow artist, Cora Brittan.

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